The period following a loss is an extremely difficult and stressful time for an insured. UCAC will assist you in protecting your property from further damage and liability by helping you arrange any emergency services that may be necessary, such as providing temporary fencing and boarding up windows and doors in order to prevent theft, injury, subsequent damage, and preserve all the evidence of the claim.  UCAC will assist in finding temporary housing or relocation of your business if the loss location is no longer habitable.


UCAC will file your claim with your insurance carrier and order all necessary documentation such as your insurance policy, fire reports, and police reports. UCAC will thoroughly review your policy coverage and begin working with your insurance carrier immediately to ensure that all aspects of the claim are addressed.


After carefully reviewing your insurance policy UCAC will begin preparing itemized estimates for the structural damages. This includes testing the property for hazardous materials such as lead, asbestos, and mold. UCAC will provide estimates for any building codes ordinance which is required by the city in accordance with the policy coverage.   If the structural integrity of the property is questionable, UCAC will arrange for your property to be inspected by a structural engineer.                                                 


UCAC will sort through the personal property and separate items that can be cleaned from the items that are completely destroyed. We will prepare an itemized inventory including determining the total replacement and actual cash values of all items inventoried. We will work closely with you to itemize all personal property that was destroyed beyond recognition in order to guarantee that you are compensated for absolutely everything that you have lost.

We will assist in collecting any additional living expenses or loss of rental income that may be incurred if your home, rental, or business is no longer habitable or able to generate income. If you are a business owner we will use our experts to determine your loss of business income, business interruption, and betterments and improvements.

Upon completion of all estimates and determination of all values for the observable damages we will assist in the preparation and filing of the Sworn Statement in Proof of Loss form which is a condition of your policy.

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